Che-Yu Wu 吳哲宇

New Media Artist / Founder of Monoame Design

Che-Yu Wu is a New media artist, designer, engineer, speaker, and entrepreneur who enjoys quirky and unique things. By combining the rationality of his electrical engineering background in National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University with the sentimentality of visual design, he draws inspirations from nature, physics, modern art, mathematical rhythm, and music to create compounding algorithmic works, explore the border between art and engineering, and establish unparalleled interactive experiences.

Che-Yu is the founder of Monoame Design 8 years ago and worked with clients like Department of Rapid Transit Systems, Nissan, National Palace Museum and Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taipei Computer Association, Taipei City Government , National Center for High‑Performance Computing, RemyMartin & Selinko … to provide dynamic experience applications and solutions.

In recent years after graduating from New York University, Integrated Digital Media MS, he devoted himself to advocating for and introducing over ten thousands students to creative coding and new media art through his Hahow online courses on animated website development and creative coding for interactive experience design.

Research Interest

  • Algorithmatic Generative Art - Creative Coding
  • Immersive Performance
  • Sound Synthesis and genrative audio
  • Human Computer Interaction

NFT Projects





  • 2023/12 - 靈魂魚 (Soul Fish), 宜蘭映像節, Condé Nast TAIWAN
  • 2023/12 - CHEYUWU at Taipei Blockchain Week, BuzhiDAO
  • 2023/12 - CHEYUWU at NFT Taipei
  • 2023/11 - 花的靈魂 (The Soul of Flowers), Art Basel Miami Beach w/ Tezos Foundation & Refraction DAO
  • 2023/11 - The Soul, 2023 上海光點藝術節 - 光點影展
  • 2023/11 - 靈魂海 (Soul Sea), Tehran Tech Summit
  • 2023/10 - 𝙎𝙋𝘼𝙍𝙆𝙇𝙀𝙎, ONBD & Superrare
  • 2023/10 - Digital Art Fair Asia w/ Unit London
  • 2023/10 - **Solo Exhibition - The Great Equation 萬物公式 - 數位生命演化之旅, 101 AMBI SPACE ONE, Taiwan
  • 2023/10 - 10-year Anniversary Exhibition, Unit London, UK
  • 2023/09 - Unbound - Ecology in the Age of Machine, Unit London, Online



  • 2021/12 - SACRIFICE International Contemporary Art exhibition, M.A.D.S. Gallery, Milan
  • 2021/11 - NEALDIGITAL Gallery #NFT ART WEEK SHENZHEN (深圳), Shenzhen
  • 2021/07 - PARAÌSO International Contemporary Art exhibition, M.A.D.S. Gallery, Milan



Work Experience

  • Assistant Professor of Practice / National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University - Institute of Applied Arts / 2024 - present
    • Instructor for the course: Generative Interactive Art and System Design
    • Focused on integrating mathematics, physics, signal and audio processing, and system simulation into generative art using p5.js and Touch Designer.
    • Guided students to create interactive systems, multimedia integration, and data visualization, applying advanced techniques such as MediaPipe and GLSL Shader.
    • Led students to complete projects involving static outputs, dynamic images, interactive works, audiovisual performances, and blockchain-based digital collections.
  • Founder / Full-Stack Developer / Monoame Interactive / 2014/01 - present
    • Leaded teams of 3-8 people and execute 40+ company website development and branding projects for clients such as RemyMartin, Department of Rapid Transit Systems, National Palace Museum and Industrial Technology Research Institute.
    • Focused on createing unique digital experience, branding strategy, visual guidelines, interactive website solution for brands.
    • Founded media & tutorial platform to organize creative coding & new media art materials for who want to get familiar with the field
  • Senior Product Manager / Senior Creative Technologist / Outernets / 2020/07 - present
    • Lead the design and dev team to develop the leading-edge new interactive experience solution management and creation system.
    • Apply Computer Vision, game/application design, and data analytics to provide interactive advertisements experience for brands.
  • Unreal VR/AR Engineer / New Reality Company, R/GA / 2019/05 - 2019/08
    • Develop VR and AR projects, Iterating prototypes using Unreal Game Engine (UE5).
    • Lead the intern team develop applications on Oculus Rift S, Leap Motion, Vive Pro and Magic Leap
    • Direct the demo video for Rain Forest MR project applying to the Epic Game Grant.
    • Integrating Evolution Algorithm in Unreal Engine, controlling AI plant placement.
  • Research Assistant / New York University, Integrated Digital Media / 2018/09 - 2020/05
    • Construct the TA system of Creative Coding class on IDM, assisted more than 40 students.
    • Provide technical support for 6 class sessions on p5.js, coding arts, interactive games, data visualization, and Arduino & Wearable hardware development projects.
    • Participate in Machine Learning Art projects and assist Course Material Management.
  • Interactive Design Engineer / Research Center for Technology and art, Tsing Hua College / 2018/02 - 2018/06
    • Work as senior engineer and system architect for the Internet of Things exhibition “Image of NTHU”, which daily attract 500+ people interact with the exhibition works.
    • Using, Arduino, MaxMSP and Speech Synthesis to create user-participating art works.
    • Participate in ESP32, PCB board and prototyping hardware / software development. Exhibiting with work “English 8-2” and “Mushroom Talker”.
  • Cartography and AutoLISP Development / Shyang-Horng AutoCAD Tech. Center / 2014/05- 2016/06
    • Produce Animation for Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Technique press release
    • Development Automated Cartography Solution for Apex Material Technology Corp.
    • Produce Production 3D graphics for Energy technology & Elevator manufacturers

Selected Projects


  • 台灣區塊鏈《最有影響力的30人》 吳哲宇 / 墨雨設計 創辦人 / Block Tempo / 2024
  • 萬物公式 / TAIWAN DESIGN BEST 100 年度概念展演獎 / 2024
  • FutureTech Showcase Selected Work - Floating in the Sky / Palpable Media & Deloitte / 2020
  • Accepted VR Work - Floating in the Sky, an experience of exploring the VR world with a floating umbrella (physical computing + VR) / NYC Media Lab Exhibition / 2020
  • 1st Prize and Grand Prize of the Practitioner Group / Smart City Hackathon hosted by Industrial Development Bureau Taiwan / Taipei / 2016
  • 1st Prize and Grand Prize of the Microsoft group / Meizhu Hachthon (National Tsing Hua University & National Chiao Tung University) /
  • 1st Prize / Intelligent Ironman Creativity Contest / 2013
  • 1st Prize and Grand Prize of the Jury / 9th Acer Digital Innovation Award / Taipei / 2013
  • 2nd Prize of the Jury / 8th Acer Digital Innovation Award / Taipei / 2012
  • 1st Prize and Grand Prize of the Jury / 7th Acer Digital Innovation Award / Taipei / 2011
  • 1st Prize / 6th Acer Digital Innovation Award / Taipei / 2010
  • 1st Prize / 5th Acer Digital Innovation Award / Taipei / 2009




Web developments

Creative Coding

Media Exposure


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